The Wellness Way Fasterclass – Your Natural Wellness Journey




Hello and Welcome to Your Natural Wellness Journey, my Fasterclass on your own NHS… Natural Health Systems. A series of Masterclasses made Faster!

We live in a frantic world and rarely have the time or love for ourselves that we deserve and we often see the consequential loss of our health and happiness. If I asked you to tell me the 10 things you love most in the world… when would you mention yourself?

In 2020, I published my book, The Natural Wellness Journal. Bite size chunks, to show others many of the techniques that helped me recover from a near death medical procedure, PTSD, addiction to opioids and alcohol and years of grief, ultimately leading to a complete breakdown of my health.

I ended up seeing four consultants in four days and asking if everything was connected… they didn’t know. The sticking plasters of Western Medicine are not designed to join the dots and find the root cause… there is no money in healthy people.

So I went on an extraordinary journey to heal myself naturally, with astonishing results!

The Wellness Way FasterClass is a 34 part video series that will help you discover your very own NHS, Natural Health Systems.

Buy now and receive your BONUS episode on how to make herbal teas!